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Cultivate an Eco-Home in the City
August 27, 2019

Cultivate an Eco-Home in the City

Simple ways to help the environment at home.

“Sustainable living” often conjures a mental image straight out of National Geographic — living in the wilderness on a pick-up truck, foraging in the vast foliage, and being one with nature! In reality, though, going green and sustainable is less about being king of the jungle and more about simply being mindful in the home.

Journey to an eco-home

You might be surprised to learn that an eco-home is not really about solar panels, water filtration systems, and having a mini-farm in your backyard. It’s all about mindset. It’s about being aware of what you bring in and out of your abode, choosing what to keep and discard, and trying to live a balanced life.

In short, the road to making your own eco-home is about decision making regarding waste. And there’s no better place to start than with the 4Rs—Reuse, Refuse, Reduce, and Recycle.


Before you purchase another eco-bag from the supermarket, check to see that you haven’t already got a pile of free tote bags in the closet. Check your cabinets for unused items, like insulated tumblers (great for carrying water instead of buying new plastic bottles). Putting unused items to good use saves you money and saves the environment from needless plastic and waste.


When buying from shops, make it a point to refuse paper bags and plastic, including utensils. This is where your tote bags and personal utensils come in. By saying no to paper and plastic, you’re reducing the amount of potential trash in your home and one step further to a cleaner environment.


Reducing can apply to a number of things, such as your energy consumption, your belongings, or anything that results in a pile up of stuff you don’t really need. So turn off electric fans you don’t need to use. Swap old light bulbs for LED ones. Keep appliances in good shape by using voltage regulators. Consider your wardrobe and what you really need to wear.


Once you’ve started consciously cleaning and collecting your plastic trash, what do you do next? You could make your own eco-bricks! Or you could simply donate the plastic to organizations like The Plastic Flamingo (https://www.facebook.com/plasticflamingoshop/) or  recycling initiatives held by your local government, malls, and junk shops. All you have to do is clean, fold, and endorse!

The 4R’s philosophy runs deep and can take you in many directions. But if you’re serious about developing an eco-house or eco-apartment, this is a great place to start. Remember, it’s a mindset, a way of life. Once you’re into reusing, refusing, reducing, and recycling, you can look into upcycling stuff and really getting creative with your home and yard space – topics for another day.

All the best in your journey to an eco-home!

  • eco living
  • zero waste

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